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GenAI in Procurement-Control Spend, Negotiations and Contracts

In the current dynamic business environment, procurement has evolved from a mere support function to a pivotal component of strategic business operations. The adoption of digital transformation strategies, particularly GenAI is transforming the procurement landscape.

While we've seen forward-looking procurement leaders already harness data and GenAI to their advantage, many are still hesitant. The reluctance ranges from a lack of clarity regarding the benefits and expected ROI from GenAI adoption, while it is still not a priority for a few.

Watch this informative webinar to explore how GenAI is transforming the procurement function, driving efficiency, improving savings, reducing risks and driving decision-making.

What you'll learn:

In this webinar, we'll dive into the following key areas where AI is leading the charge:

  • Granular Spend Visibility and Cost Control

  • Improving Supplier Negotiations

  • Automating Contract Management & Compliance

  • Enhancing Decision-Making and Actions

    Ready to start?

    Simply fill in the form below to watch a recording of this webinar to discover how GenAI is transforming the procurement function.

    the Webinar!

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